My favourite papers

I love reading papers! Could I consider it to be a hobby? Probably.

My first read was"Finding a needle in Haystack: Facebook's photo storage", during my sophomore year, it was recommended to me by PhD. Joan Navarro Martín when I asked him how images are stored in DBs. At that time I thought that databases were a perfect fit for any type of data. From that moment on I knew I could learn from the latest researches & cutting-edge tech from these publications.

A non-exhaustive list of papers I like:

  1. The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine

    Brin, Sergey, and Lawrence Page. "The anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual web search engine."Computer networks and ISDN systems 30.1-7 (1998): 107-117.

  2. Meltdown: Reading Kernel Memory from User Space

    Lipp, Moritz, et al. "Meltdown: Reading kernel memory from user space."Communications of the ACM 63.6 (2020): 46-56.

  3. Time, clocks, and the ordering of events in a distributed system

    Lamport, Leslie. "Time, clocks, and the ordering of events in a distributed system."Concurrency: the Works of Leslie Lamport. 2019. 179-196.

  4. The Byzantine general problem

    Lamport, Leslie, Robert Shostak, and Marshall Pease. "The Byzantine generals problem." Concurrency: the Works of Leslie Lamport. 2019. 203-226.

  5. Challenges with distributed systems

    Gabrielson, Jacob. "Challenges with Distributed Systems - D1.Awsstatic.Com." Amazon Builders' Library, 2019,

  6. Hardware-conscious Query Processing in GPU-accelerated Analytical Engines

    Chrysogelos, Periklis, Panagiotis Sioulas, and Anastasia Ailamaki. "Hardware-conscious query processing in gpu-accelerated analytical engines."Proceesings of the 9th Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research.2019.

  7. Virtual memory, processes, and sharing in MULTICS

    Daley, Robert C., and Jack B. Dennis. "Virtual memory, processes, and sharing in Multics." Communications of the ACM 11.5 (1968): 306-312.

My daily drivers


These are my hardware gadgets I use for programming & gaming.

  • MSI PS42 Prestige 8RC 1
  • Desktop
    • - Ryzen 7 3700X
    • - GeForce GTX 1060 + GeForce GTX 750Ti
    • - 1 TiB NVMe PCIe 4 x4 + 512GiB NVMe PCIe 3 x4 + 1.5TiB HDD
  • Raspberry Pi 4 4GiB2
  • Akko ACR Pro 75 (Crystal + Sakura + Silver switches || Black & Pink keycaps)
  • Akko 3084B Plus (Jelly Purple + Silver switches || Black & Gold keycaps)

1I've been carrying this laptop around since my university freshman days. It's ultralight and powerful enough to do my daily work.

2On-premise home lab / server


The tools I use for programming.

  • Nvim as my Personalized Development Environment (PDE)
  • Linux Ubuntu 3
  • Tmux

3I mainly use it because of it's drivers support, community and robustness. I do tinker with some other distros from time to time. Among the flavours I've used (Linux From Scratch, Arch, Mint, Kali)