Binary units converter


When dealing with binary data sizes, units like kibibytes (KiB), mebibytes (MiB), and gibibytes (GiB) are used instead of their decimal counterparts (KB, MB, GB) to provide a more accurate representation of memory sizes in computing. Binary units are based on powers of 2, whereas decimal units are based on powers of 10.

Understanding the difference between binary and decimal units is critical when working with storage and memory in computing. For example: A 1 TB hard drive advertised by a manufacturer is actually around 931 GiB when reported by your operating system, because manufacturers use decimal units (TB), while operating systems typically use binary units (GiB). This knowledge helps avoid confusion, especially when dealing with large data sets, network storage, or purchasing new hardware.

So does my current machine main memory (RAM) size. 32GB becomes 31GiB. 32*(1000^3) / (1024^3). Running free -h / lsmem does show me 31Gi

Formula Reference for Binary Units Conversion

Here's a quick reference for converting between the most commonly used binary units:

From KiB to Bytes


From MiB to KiB


From GiB to MiB


From TiB to GiB


From MiB to MB (Decimal Conversion)


From GiB to GB (Decimal Conversion)
